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Is Your Home Contributing to Your Allergies?


As winter melts into spring and everything blossoms, pollen can quickly become your worst nightmare if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Although there isn’t much you can do about the changing seasons, you can control the air inside your home. There are precautions you can take with your HVAC unit to improve your indoor air quality.

At On Time Home Services, we know from experience that the air quality in your home can contribute to your allergies and make you feel sick. Here are some warning signs to look for within your home and HVAC system, and some steps you can take to improve your IAQ.

Start with the Source

Some of the main culprits that can become sources of indoor allergens include pets, carpet, fabric furniture, stuffed toys, bedding, and indoor plants. Cleaning these culprits thoroughly can eliminate the germs and particles that are causing your allergy symptoms.

Check Your Air Filter

If your air filter is not cleaned or changed out regularly enough, dust and airborne pollutants can build up on the surface. Eventually, they will start to escape into your HVAC system and spread throughout your home. Make sure to change your air filter once every 90 days, or for houses with shedding pets once every 30 days. You might also want to consider purchasing an additional air purification system that can be attached to the inside of your ducts.

Check Your Air Ducts

Pollutants can travel throughout your ductwork and spread across your house, creating an airborne nightmare for your allergies. Have a professional HVAC technician clean out your ductwork every so often and you might see a noticeable decrease in allergy symptoms.

Check for Mold

Mold can start to form in damp areas of your home if you are not careful to keep it in check. This can be one of the worst respiratory irritants for your allergies. Monitor your home’s humidity levels and fix any leaks that could contribute to mold. If you do find mold, clean it immediately and wear a mask to protect yourself.

Vacuum Often

Using a quality vacuum that will not spread dust back into the air, vacuum your whole house once or twice per week. Vacuuming couches and soft chairs with an extension can reduce the buildup of dust, dust mites, and allergens within stuffing and fabric. If your allergies are severe, it might be a good idea to wear a mask while you work on your house cleaning.

Maintain Your AC

While your air conditioner isn’t running during the winter months, dust and debris can build up in and around your unit. Have your AC serviced regularly so that it will be able to help you properly ventilate the air.

If you are looking for air cleaners and purification systems to help improve the indoor air quality in your home or need to schedule maintenance on your HVAC, On Time Home Services is here to help. Give us a call at (949) 649-8777 and find out more about filters we can install to help alleviate your allergies and services we can provide to keep your HVAC running smoothly.

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